Stuart Rowland




Author of jSNARK

Phone: (503)462-7896


BS Mathematics Rochester Institute of Technology
MS Computer Science SUNY at Buffalo
PhD Computer Science SUNY at Buffalo

Work Experience:

Ohio Nuclear Mathematician 1978-1979
Allen Bradley Senior Software Engineer 1979-1982
CGR Medical Corporation Senior Software Engineer 1982-1984
AT&T Bell Laboratories MTS1 1984-1988
AT&T Bell Laboratories DMTS2 1988-1991
AT&T DMTS2 1991-1992
Lucent Technologies DMTS2 1992-2001
Visiting Scientist

1. Member of the Technical Staff

2. Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff


Papers accepted by refereed journals:

  1. Herman, G.T., Rowland S.: Resolution in ART: An experimental investigation of the resolving power of an algebraic picture reconstruction technique, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 33:213-223, 1971
  2. Herman, G.T., Lent, A., Rowland, S.: ART: Mathematics and applications (a report on the mathematical foundations and on the applicability to real data of the algebraic reconstruction techniques), Journal of Theoretical Biology 42:1-32, 1973 .
  3. Herman, G.T., Rowland, S.: Three methods for reconstructing objects from x-rays: A comparative study, Computer Graphics and Image Processing 2:151-178, 1973
  4. Herman, G.T., Liu, W.H., Rowland, S., Walker, A., Synchronization of growing cellular arrays, Information and Control, 25:103-121, 1974.
  5. Herman, G.T., Lakshminarayanan, A.V., Rowland, S., The reconstruction of objects from shadowgraphs with high contrasts, Pattern Recognition, 7:157-165, 1975.
  6. Herman, G.T., Rowland, S., Yau, M., A comparative study of the use of linear and modified cubic spline interpolation for image reconstruction, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 26:2879-2894, 1979.
  7. Benkarroum, Y., Herman, G.T., Rowland, S.W.: Blob parameter selection for image representation, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 32:1898-1915, 2015.

Book contributions:

  1. Ruegsegger, P.E., Harris, L.D., Ritman, E.L., Rowland, S., Predictions of the performance of a dynamic spatial reconstruction system based on mathematical simulations, in Roentgen-Video-Techniques for Dynamic Studies of Structure and Function, Prof. Paul Heintzen Ed., G. Thein Pub., Stuttgart, Germany.
  2. Rowland, S., Computer implementation of image reconstruction formulas, in Image Reconstruction from Projections, G.T. Herman Ed., Topics in Applied Physics, Vol 32, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1979.
  3. Benkarroum, Y., Gottlieb, P., Katz, A., Rowland, S., Bucher, D., Herman, G., Computational Methods for Electron Tomography of Influenza Virus, in Computational Methods for Three-Dimensional Microscopy Reconstruction, G.T. Herman and J. Frank Ed., Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser; 2014.

Papers presented at conferences:

  1. Herman, G.T., Rowland, S., Three methods for reconstructing objects from X-rays: a comparative study, San Diego Biomedical Symposium, San Diego, California, 1973.
  2. Rowland, S., SNARK: A picture reconstruction framework, Computer Science Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 1973.
  3. Herman, G.T., Lakshminarayanan, A.V., Lent, A., Some recent results on the algebraic reconstruction techniques and on the reconstruction of objects from shadowgraphs with high contrasts, Techniques of Three-dimensional Reconstruction,
    Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1974.
  4. Herman, G.T., Rowland, S., The computer implementation of three versions of the Radon inversion formula, Image Processing for 2-D and 3-D Reconstruction from Projections, Stanford, Ca., 1975.
  5. Herman, G.T., Rowland, S., Effect of filtering and interpolating functions on Fourier and convolution reconstruction methods, International Symposium and Course on Computerized Tomography, San, Puerto Rico, 1976.
  6. Herman, G.T., Rowland, S., The effect of noise in the projection data on the reconstruction produced by computerized tomography, Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine V, Washington, D.C. 1976.


Patent no. 5,027,110 issued June 25, 1991
Arrangement for Simultaneously Displaying On One or More Display Terminals a Series of Images

Professional Societies:

IEEE Computer Society


Ruby on Rails